Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) Monitoring


Nagios XI provides complete monitoring of MSSQL, including availability, database and table sizes, and a number of other key metrics!

The easy-to-use built-in MSSQL Database Wizard features metrics like:

  • Connection Time
  • Database Size
  • Log File Usage
  • Active Transactions
  • Transactions Per Second
  • Log Cache Hit Ratio
  • Log Waits
  • Log Growths
  • Log Shrinks
  • Log Truncations
  • Log Flushes Per Second

Nagios XI also includes a MSSQL Server Wizard that allows administrators to gain insight on:

  • Connection Time
  • Buffer Hit Ratio
  • Page Looks
  • Free Pages
  • Target Pages
  • Database Pages
  • Stolen Pages
  • Lazy Writes
  • Read Aheads
  • Page Reads
  • Check Pages
  • Lock Requests
  • Lock Timeouts
  • Deadlocks
  • Lock Waits
  • Page Splits
  • Lock Wait Time
  • Average Wait Time


Implementing effective MSSQL monitoring with Nagios offers the following benefits:

  • Increased application availability
  • Increased database performance
  • Fast detection of database outages, failures, and table corruption
  • Predictive analysis of storage requirements and index performance

Nagios XI

Save Time. Save Money.

Reduce downtime and boost efficiency with proactive monitoring to ensure your systems run smoothly.