Amazon Monitoring


Nagios provides complete monitoring of Amazon cloud computing, web, and storage services. The easy-to-use Amazon S3 and EC2 wizards already included in Nagios XI can be used to measure an array of metrics, including:

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)

  • CPU Credit Usage
  • CPU Credit Balance
  • CPU Utilization
  • Disk Read/Write Operations
  • Dis Read/Write Bytes
  • Network In/Out
  • Network Packets In/Out

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

  • Bucket Size (in Bytes)
  • Number of Objects
  • All/Get/Put Requests
  • Delete Requests
  • Head/Post/List Requests
  • Bytes Downloaded/Uploaded
  • 4XX Errors
  • 5XX Errors
  • First Byte Latency
  • Total Request Latency


Implementing effective Amazon monitoring with Nagios offers the following benefits:

  • Increased server, service, and application availability
  • Fast detection of network outages
  • Fast detection of cloud computing environment problems

Nagios XI

Save Time. Save Money.

Reduce downtime and boost efficiency with proactive monitoring to ensure your systems run smoothly.