7 Ways Nagios XI Can Save Valuable Time

7 Ways Nagios XI Can Save Valuable Time

To give you a better idea of how this enterprise-level monitoring solution can improve the efficiency of your operations, we’ve outlined seven ways XI can save you valuable time.

Common Nagios Misconceptions

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Although Nagios made its start as an open-source monitoring solution, it’s a common misconception that that is all Nagios is when, in fact, Nagios includes several business-ready solutions that serve thousands of customers worldwide. 

Nagios Core vs Nagios XI

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Although Nagios XI is built from Nagios Core, it boasts significant distinctions and features. In this article, we’ll highlight these key differences and explain how upgrading to XI from Core could optimize your time and technical knowledge resources. 

Plugins Really Are That Easy

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In this post we’ll show you how to monitor all your tech and make it do your bidding. Before the robots come to get us, at least we can set some warning and critical thresholds to enjoy the current state of things a little while longer.